Wednesday, October 21, 2009

we are all robots

Hi, how are you. Hello, how are you. Good morning, how are you. I just left two hours ago and now i'm back, how are you-how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you how are you -MALFUNCTION. The traditional greeting i hear approximately 20 times a day is beginning to morph from a sincere message of kindness to a set of programmed words. Now, don't get me wrong, I greatly appreciate your concern...when it is concern. . Next time i ask you how things are going, tell me about your life - I CARE! Hope you're doing well. xox

1 comment:

jennkim said...

i've been programmed to respond with an automatic "i'm good, thanks. how are you?" very robotic