Viva Las Vegas!
Labor day weekend couldnt have been any sweeter! and hotter. Ick, but i couldnt ask for a better way to consummate the end of this long amazing summer! Where else! In Vegas baby~where the guys come easy and the girls come cheap. :x not speaking for myself of course. So we flew into Vegas, what a nice way to get there; last year we drove and my butt was sore for a week i swear. We then got to our BEAUTIFUL suite at the MGM signature. I felt like that was the jackpot. I did not expect to be placed in a such a gorgeous hotel and the service was outstanding. Firs
t supper in Vegas was at Emeril's. Wow was it overpriced and food was far from excellent. The service on the other hand was out of this world great. Anywho, we hit up pure that night, i broke my phone [eh] and Regina threw up everywhere because of the Belv. Day 1 Accomplished. Saturday was also mu
cho fun. Lounge at the pool ( that was $15 per slide of the room card, HOW MISLEADING!). Later that night we ate at Shibuya, a great sushi place in the MGM grand. Beautiful interior and fresh fresh fish. If you got dough to drop, then try it. The entrees were like butter and mouth. Club of choice? Tao! Where the pretty people at? Where the pretty people at? Yeah, we were singing that the whole night. Uh. Next day, met up with
my sexies from Planet Beauty @ Tao Beach, but not before grabbin a bite to eat at Nathan's! A greasy Chili dog right before we enter a place where people starve themselves for weeks with hopes of looking like skinny firecrackers. I dont know what we were thinking, matter of fact.. i think we werent..Our stomachs must have been doing the thinking. The philly cheesesteak was yummy! But the Hot dogs were subpar; Nothing that you couldnt easily order @ Weinerschnitze
l. Our last day in Vegas *sigh* Time. for. total. inebriation. *robot voice* Tao Beach was off the hook! Great people, stiff drinks and live music. AND we were lucky enough to meet Drew Gooden from the Chicago Bulls! A Bay Area Native! A really tall one. Anyway, this is the epitome of what a pool party is. Loves it! 6 O'clock rolled around and BOO, you end. Time for part 2. Unfortunately, we didn't get that far. Going home to get ready while being a lush child is not easy. After an hour or so of alcohol induced pillow talk with my girlies....we finally got ready for Tryst. Too bad so sad..on the way there i lost my wallet! Mother furker. 2 hours of searching, no club, no love and a contract that states i have to kiss Gina and Cheryls feet after buying them both a Filet Mignon because of my insobriety. Ha ha. Monday rolls around and HUNGOVER was an understateme
nt. I wanted to vomit on anything and everything, but i contained my insides and just remained in a crappy,for lack of better words, state. All packed up and almost leavin on our jetplane,we decided to bid farewell to Vegas with one last supper at Wolfgangs Bar and Grill where the Chicken soup cured my repugnant feeling life and Organic chicken solved all my problems, that is until we missed our flight. WTF. WTF. WTF. One bad taxi driver and two stupid airport ladies delayed our marathon sprint to the gate. After barely making it to the gate for last call we find out, OH WHAT? Our tickets are waitlisted and our seats were given away. I HATE UNITED AIRLINES! We had two choices. Get waitlisted with the 10 other people that were trying to m
ake the next two flights OR drive. Cheryl cried, we drove. Labor day traffic......9 hours....left at 6 o'clock. We got a car @ National for a one way trip. Cute little chevy Hybrid! It was one Loooooong ride, but i wouldnt have wanted to spend it with any other two girls! We laughed the whole time! Out of our complete and utter stupidity? I suppose. I snooze for 30 minutes on Highway 5 only to wake up by "Kelly, what do i take 580 or 5?" Me: "Huh?" We arrived at 4 in the morning after driver passed 152 and drove to Tracy. When things couldn't have gotten worse! We busted out in hysterical laughter and headed back home. Although it was a series of unfortunate events, it was too much fun and i can't wait to do it again and party harder the next time around!! Vivaaaaa!!
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