Females!! Hello! Guess what? i think you're fabulous!
I ran across something interesting as i was searching on MSN today. A common mistake we unfortunately tend to repetitively do. It was an article called Don't wait for him to call. I love all these neat relationship books and this is definately a lesson that i wanted to share!Now, if you ever feel the sudden urge to call please save yourself from the humiliation and hold your dignity realllll close and don't do it! Instead stay calm.. its not the end of the world. Another piece of advice that i couldn't phrase better than the author was to not ANALYZE the situation. I'm incredibly embarassed to admit that i'm a culprit of this. eek. never again
"Don’t over-analyze:Resist the urge to call your girlfriends and run down the list of reasons why he may not be calling: He lost your number, he misread your number, he got really sick, his grandmother got really sick, he’s swamped at work, etc. All are unlikely and usually only lead to one conclusion: He’s not interested. Then why, you ask, would he ask for your number in the first place? Who cares? Do you really want to date someone who’s not even considerate enough to call? " You know its true. If your still not convinced, then DAMN you're a major CABRON. But it's okay, atleast you don't look like him when you sleep! :)

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