Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Sock Bun

Finally! A bun solution for those, like myself, who have buns smaller than shu mai. It's always been pretty embarrassing to have such a tiny clump of hair sit atop my head, but now there is this magical creation that, believe it or not, is made from a SOCK! Look at that hair of mine. STYLIN'!!! 

Monday, April 30, 2012

El Fin

So.....I graduated back in Oct '11 and, yeah, I know it's April, soon to be May, the following year, but I want to show off my pictures, dammit! I finished LVN school! A small accomplishment, but a huge stepping stone from where I am.

To be honest, I didn't even want to attend this joke of a school's graduation, but eh, it's paid for and someone told me something that I'll always remember: You'll never regret going, but you  will always regret not going. Word.


Nursing Candle Light Ceremony

Momma and I

She got me flowers,too! The best two people in my life!

I swear i'm happy - and confused.

Gladys and Olga. Two of my clinical group favs

Yep, Auntie loveeeess you.

My boyfwen and I at Vbar

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Date Day

My boo and I went on a day date to Berkeley, CA today. Every 1st Thursday at Museum of art is FREE fifty, so being the cheapo that I am, I planned around that. We really wanted to see the Andy Warhol Exhibit going on, but we're a bit disappointed when we arrived. The layout consisted of portraits of random people. I was expecting canned soups and more canvas art! WTF, bro. I guess I should have read about it prior to going. Oh well, it was fun! We stopped by to eat The Cheese Board Collective for lunch and then we head over to the museum. After, we just walked around a little bit and made a mandatory stop at Gregoire for their AMAZING, infamous potato balls. It was the next best thing from Porto's in LA. *day dreaming*

Daily Special from Cheese Board

Instillation at Berkeley Museum of ART

A veiny penis on Ray Johnson's letter to Yoko Ono. Get it in!

Lovely lady humps at BMOA

Final Pitstop at Gregoire

Saturday, February 11, 2012

RIP Whitney Houston

It's my anniversary today and sadly, it also marks the date of Whitney Houston's death. I grew up listening to this lady. Always will be the best singer to grace our presence!

Bodyguard - I will always loves you.

Waiting to exhale - Exhale