1-17-11 Ray and I were on a mad dash for a heart on the Embarcadero. I could recall seeing one long ago and he had faint recollections of seeing one, too. We gave up and looked it up on Google.
How many did we find that day? NONE. We did find a huge cupids arrow though ! This is situated right next to the bay bridge on the Embarcadero. Definitely a pretty site to see.
Unfortunately, today sucked - no hearts and i lost my iPhone 4 - BUMMER. I won't sulk over it; I suppose life will go on.
1-19-11 Me and my hon went to Hakone Gardens in Saratoga. There's a $5 admission charge, but it goes to a good cause- the maintenance! It's a beautiful garden filled with a pond of koi fish, bamboo garden, statues and a huge viewing house that overlooks the entire ground. From what I've read, there are many weddings held here. I could only imagine how pretty it is when spring time hits!
1-21-11 Today I've adopted a second name; It's ohmygodherpicturesaresoeffinboring. I heard it enough times to make it legally a second name. I really had nothing to do today, so i organized my rings. Oh, what an exciting life i live! Just for the record, I LOVE RINGS! They are the perfect gift. hint hint
1-22-11 We went to tahoe this morning! I didn't get a chance to board this morning because Ray's bad shoulder, so we went tubing and had some free snow play time! For the record, tubing sucks at Sierra! Later that night we all went back to the cabin and this happened. HAHAHA
The girls walked into him peeing and he freaked out. no names mentioned - clearly, the picture says enough !