Monday, November 30, 2009

Dog'on it.

Thank you, sweet dog god aka Ceasar Millan! We finally taught our mut how to shake! After 3-10,000,0000 days of sounding like a broken record, she has finally succumb to obeying our command: shake. I was getting really frustrated and impatient, but i guess it just serves as a small reminder that things take time. Rome wasn't built overnight, dogs won't learn how to shake after a few demonstrations and life won't automatically fall into place. With time and effort, things will eventually come together.

So, i'm kind of milking my last week here in Huntington Beach. It's really sad. I don't want to go! BUT Mother awaits..if only she would have informed me before i decided to spend 2000+ on moving; life would be so much easier. It's OK, i've experienced a bunch of new places and new emotions. I wouldn't trade it for the world-even my most negative times.
The other day, Little Cous and I went to Dog Beach down Goldenwest and that was fun. It was windy and chilly, but getting there on time for the sunset was a blessing! Oh, how i'll miss the beach air. Hayley would not stop barking!! It was incredibly annoying! That's just the next thing we'll have to work on. Wish me luck
'til next time! toodles.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I lost my sanity in Vegas

This Vegas trip, 2009, was in November instead of September and dear lord, was it freezing! Never again! I came back after 5. long. days. Human bodies are not concieved to stay in Vegas that long and we were the perfect example. We slept at 5 and woke up at 11 to get out by 3 to come back at 6 to get ready and drink by 9. Leave by 9:30 or 10:00, get in by 11:00, party until 4 and eat McDonalds, only to come back and pass out by 5AM; times four days. It was all well worth the sleep deprivation, hangovers, money and time. The first night Jo arrived first and we went over to Kahunaville for some cocktails - bad idea. Although the bartenders here offer quite the show, as they make the drink, they turned me into the show of the night by having me drink it. What the hell did they add in there? 99% Tequila, 1% mixer??? I was gone. From what the photos show, i learned that i love bushes, hate elevators and apparently, i can't seem to grasp why a woman with a baby didn't want to share an elevator with 6 intoxicated people? Like i had said that night: What is a baby doing out at 12 AM, anyway?!!

Anywho, it was Pacquioa weekend, so you could only imagine the horde of Filipinos! and coincidentally, the whole bay area was there. geez. We went to Prive on Friday and the new club where we were staying, XS! Sooooo beautiful and big. The line was fast, the cover was decent and we had a good time overall. No one puked. Yes. Yesssss. I consider that a success. On Sunday, we had our best day. Make it worthwhile when it's your last night, right?

We ate at Serendipity 3 (yep, just like the movie), and tried the famous Frozzzzzen Hot chocolate! It was perfect. I wish it didn't melt so fast 'cause i really wanted to get the Peanut Butter Frozzen HC to go. I just LOVE Peanut Butter!!!!!!!!!! So, less writing, more pictures.

Our Hotel and their fancy goods

Oh, Tequila. You do me so dirty.

Our Strouser, Autumn. Hooters, LV.

Our Junk luggage. Prepare for madness.

I love my nammy poo!
BRB with more!