so, lately i've been incessantly "tumbling" on my new Tumblr . Yes, I'm sorry blogger, I've been cheating on you, but temptation was just too strong. Tumblr is pretty neat because it allows me to quickly glance at the multiple characters in the blogging world by simply opening up my dashboard. It has also exposed some of the most beautiful and inspirational photos i've ever laid eyes on! Overall, it's pretty awesome, but requires little to no thought while posting..So, here i am again. xoxoxo . On to other things, like the purpose of this post today; I ran across someone by the name of littlemisswhatever, as i was leafing through, and i wanted to share her work because it was so satisfying to my senses! so much so that I am seriously scrounging up any ounce of change so i could hurry and purchase my SLR. See that penny on the ground? GIVE IT TO ME. *evil glare* yeah.

i love silhouette shots.